Search for "king spirits"
Debunking the Myths About Cannabis / Marijuana Absinthe
byGreen Fairy 2020-06-22
Before you jump in the bandwagon, perhaps it is best to know more about what cannabis absinthe buzz is all about. Will it get you high? Will it get you drunk? This article debunks the myths surrounding cannabis absinthe.
byGreen Fairy in Japan 2020-06-02
全面禁止から幻覚誘発性と思われる特性に関する歴史まで、アブサンを取り巻く謎は多くあります。 アブサンほど複雑で神秘的でありながら洗練されたスピリッツは他にありません
Answers to the 9 Most Common Questions About Absinthe, They’re Not What You Think - Part 1
byGreen Fairy 2020-05-18
There’s so much mystery surrounding absinthe, from all-out bans to histories about its supposed hallucinogenic properties. There’s no other spirit so complex, mysterious, and at the same time so sophisticated as Absinthe
The Science Behind Absinthe Liquor: How It's Made and its Effect on the Brain
byGreen Fairy 2020-02-25
Absinthe, a high-alcohol distilled spirit (usually between 45 - 74% abv) produced by macerating wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), green anise, sweet fennel and other plants in grain alcohol. Discover how to make absinthe.
The Metelka Distillery has Been Associated With Quality Liqueurs for Over Eighty Years
byGreen Fairy 2020-02-10
The world-famous brands such as Becherovka, Johnnie Walker or Jack Daniel's carry the names of their founders. Their success has been based on long-standing tradition and product quality. The Metelka Distillery...
Xmas Gifts for the Absinthe Lovers and a Special Guest for New Year's Party: The Green Fairy
byGreen Fairy 2019-11-04
A complete gift guide for your absinthe infused holiday parties, New Year’s Eve celebrations, and perfect, unique absinthe gifts for you and your loved ones. It's time to take your Christmas shopping to another level!