Search for "sugar"
The Science Behind the Absinthe Ritual: How to Properly Prepare and Enjoy
byGreen Fairy Absinthe 2023-06-28
The absinthe ritual, with its signature sugar cube and slotted spoon, is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced for centuries. How do you properly prepare and enjoy absinthe to get the full sensory experience?
How to Drink Absinthe - From the Traditional Absinthe Ritual to Cocktail Recipes
byAbsinthe Drinks Expert 2021-09-09
How to properly drink absinthe and can you drink absinthe straight? Those are the most common questions we get. Why are some still hesitated properly drink absinthe? Discover traditional and proper ways to serve...
Answers for the 9 Most Asked Questions About Absinthe, They’re Not What You Think - Part 2
byGreen Absinthe Fairy 2020-11-04
Reality and Absinthe - discover the truth about Absinthe. A noble spirit that has always had an ambivalent history, praised as ‘The Green Muse’ by its devotees. Anise-flavored spirit enjoyed by so many artists and poets.
5 Essential Facts About Absinthe, The Green Fairy
byGreen Fairy 2020-08-25
Nearly everybody has known about absinthe - its century-long ban and late reestablishment are incredible. However some are still hesitated drinking this liquor. Read these facts to find out what makes Absinthe so unique.
byGreen Fairy in Japan 2020-08-05
現実とアブサン-アブサンについての真実を発見してください。 信者から「グリーンミューズ」として称賛され、長い間曖昧な歴史を持つ高貴なスピリッツ。 多くの芸術家や詩人が楽しんだアニス風味のスピリッツ。
5 Biggest Absinthe Myths Finally Busted!
byGreen Fairy 2020-07-14
Absinthe has consistently been on the news for its different properties and for being one of the most mixed refreshments. Absinthe made it's rebound subsequent to being restricted. It’s time to lay back the all the...