How To Whitelist All Absinthe Original Email Addresses in Yahoo! Mail
When you place an online order and are therefore expecting to receive important emails from us, such as order confirmation or tracking details, it is worth whitelisting our email address to make sure that emails won't be accidentally blocked by an overzealous email client.
In this short and descriptive tutorial post we cover how to do it in Yahoo! Mail by adding a filter...
1) Login to Yahoo! Mail and select settings by clicking on the gear icon:

2) Scroll down the menu and select 'More settings':

3) In the left-hand menu select 'Filters':

4) Now Select 'Add new filters':

5) Type a name for your new filter - here we chose "Important Messages":

6) Under 'Set rules', select 'From' as the rule and 'contains' as the criterion for the filter. The filter will be applied to any email that comes from Absinthe Original's email address that contains the text you add:

7) Input the domain name that you want to whitelist - here we enter '' to whitelist all emails that come from our domain

8) Under 'Choose a folder to move to' select 'Inbox'. This will ensure that all of our emails will arrive in the inbox and never be sent to spam:

9) Remember to click save:

10) Once the filter has been successfully created, you can view it under 'Your Filters':

Now you can pour yourself a glass of absinthe and rest assured that you will never miss our order confirmation, answer to your enquiry or tracking details!