What you Need to Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19), Could Absinthe Help?
Coronavirus, Could Absinthe Help?
Stay calm. We’ve all seen the news; this new virus is getting a lot of media attention. The coronavirus is everywhere, at least in all of our Facebook news feeds. But what’s the real deal behind this virus? And most importantly could absinthe help?
The coronavirus is spreading, and it’s a health risk, sure. But let get things straight, this is not an apocalypse movie. We’ll live thought this and will overcome it as we’ve done against all other viruses that have threatened our safety in past years.
Before we talk about absinthe, here’s some social service, because in times like this, what we should all be doing is sharing facts, not fear. Let’s look at some numbers.
There have been deaths, yes, but what you might not know is that they’re rare. The percentage of cases ending tragically is about 4%, which means that four out of one hundred infected people have died. All deaths matter, but we should note that it’s the sick and vulnerable who end up losing the battle against coronavirus.
In people below 50, the death rate is below 1%. Comparing coronavirus with similar viruses we’ve encountered in the past, it’s far less deadly. SARS had a mortality rate of 9.6% and MERS a scary 34%. For perspective, the common cold has a mortality rate of 0,1%.
Although the probabilities of you getting infected by coronavirus are extremely low, even if you do get sick, you’ll probably make it. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take our precautions: wash your hands often with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water, don’t touch your face, and stay away from crowded places. If you get flu symptoms, stay home, call your doctor, and don’t go sneezing over everyone else.
To prevent and prepare for coronavirus, it is advised that you keep your immune system very strong. How can you do that? Here are a few tips: stop smoking, get enough sleep, get out into the sunshine, drink plenty of water and avoid stress. Our immune system is a defense mechanism that protects the body against invading pathogens, and viruses as well as many other things. This defense mechanism must remain stable to give ultimate protection. If our immune system becomes low, our bodies cannot fight off infection effectively, and something like a common cold could develop into a chest infection.
Now that we’ve done our part as a responsible company (mainly because we care for you,) we'll talk about absinthe and how it has played a role in medical history. After all, absinthe is no ordinary spirit; it’s well known for its special, and even mystical properties.
To see if absinthe could help us fight a deadly disease, we should first scientifically dissect the spirit.
The Anatomy of Absinthe
Absinthe is a distilled spirit. A grain base is first fermented and distilled to get alcohol, and that alcohol is then blended with botanicals and distilled again. The resulting spirit gains not only the aromas and flavors of the herbs, roots, and spices added to the still, but its health benefits.
It comes as no surprise that the first medicines were distilled spirits, too. Alcohol is an excellent means of transport for all kinds of chemical compounds that might treat different maladies.
Some of the herbs used in traditional absinthe-making, like anise and fennel, have their own reputation as health promoters, they’ve been used to aid digestion for centuries. Nevertheless, it’s another ingredient in absinthe that has the most influence in our bodies, the leaves and flowers of Artemisia absinthium, or grand wormwood, thanks to an exceptional compound: thujone.
Although malignified for the most part of the twentieth century, thujone is not responsible for absinthe’s alleged hallucinating effects, but it is a stimulant and a mood booster. It does have an effect on us, but not the ones everyone talks about.
So, Could Absinthe be Used as Medicine? We’ve Done it Before.
In the nineteenth century, the French Army provided its soldiers with daily doses of absinthe. It was believed that it could prevent disease, mainly from contaminated water in foreign lands during the Algerian War. And it was absinthe and not brandy, cognac, or Burgundy wine for one reason: wormwood.
Thujone has a good deal of health benefits to its name, including treating upset tummies, getting rid of intestinal parasites, treating venereal diseases, and as a relaxing tea. Wormwood has been used to treat liver and kidney diseases, muscle pain, depression, worm infections, stimulate sweating, increase sex drive, and stimulate the appetite, too.
Sadly, there’s not much scientific evidence to back all these miraculous uses of wormwood, or absinthe, for that matter. Even if there were, fighting epidemic viruses is not in absinthe’s repertoire.
How do You Kill a Virus, Anyway?
Viruses don’t fit in any living being category; they live between the realms of life and death. Their sole purpose is reproducing, and they’re very good at it. These microscopic creatures(?) enter a viable host and inject their DNA into some of its cells. The infected cells are then “hacked” and start creating more viruses.
Here’s something you might have never thought about: all the symptoms you get from coronavirus, or any other respiratory virus, like the common cold, are not caused by the virus but by yourself. You sneeze to get rid of the viruses in your lungs; that’s why you cough too. Runny noses are another desperate way of trying to wash off the invader. Even fever is the ultimate defense against intruders, your body heats up to unbearable levels to kill viruses and bacteria, which is quite effective, by the way.
Antibiotics do nothing to viruses, and your body’s immune system takes a while to figure out how to seek and destroy the spaceship-shaped enemies. If your body wins, then you’re safe, if it loses, then it’s goodbye.
On the bright side, if your body does finally learn how to kick the virus out, it will be ready for the next time you and the virus meet. That’s why you can’t get sick from the same virus twice.
Viruses are not as tough as they think they are. Once they enter your body, they will thrive, but over any surface, they’re as good as dead. The coronavirus can live only a few hours on a surface, or a few days if warmth and humidity are ideal.
If you think something might be contaminated, like a handrail, a shopping cart handle, buttons on an elevator, or a doorknob, you should disinfect it to make sure the viruses are killed. And here’s where absinthe might come in handy!
Absinthe Could Help, After all
According to the World Health Organization, disinfecting our environment is the right way to prevent the virus from spreading. To do so, you can use solutions with hydrogen peroxide and at least 50% alcohol, sounds familiar? Besides industrial cleansing products, only few spirits have this alcohol levels, and absinthe is on top of that list!
If you happen to have an unfinished bottle of absinthe, you could disinfect your house with it (It will smell lovely too)! Of course, we’re kidding, but we’ve proven our point: Absinthe could play a part in the war against viruses, so let’s add virus killer to the list of alleged benefits and uses of our beloved absinthe; it does it all!
One Last Thing
Besides having fun trying to link the world news with our beloved spirit, we also want to invite you to visit the World Health Organization website here and learn more about the coronavirus.
Knowledge is the best way to stay safe and don’t get influenced by fake news and conspiracy theories. The coronavirus is here, let’s deal with it.
Despite coronavirus, we’re shipping as usual, worldwide and between 24 to 48 hours. Enjoy a fine glass of original absinthe while you wait for the end of the world, get yourself a shiny new absinthe fountain, a set of authentic absinthe spoons, and a few elegant crystal glasses. Remember, absinthe has calming properties and wormwood oil is also used to increase sexual desire!